Some Of The Common Android Tips To Boost The Lifespan Of Its Battery

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The way in which android phones consume power at very quick rates is one of the key things that bother many android phone owners. While each android owner does everything possible to ensure their android batteries last longer, most of them do not succeed. To anyone searching for ways in which they can increase the numbers of hours their android phones can last, below are few excellent windows 10 tips and tricks to put into use. One of the most known tricks to help lengthen the lifespan of your android lollipop is to switch it to the power save mode. The power saving mode feature in phones is made to help reduce the rates of power consumption through switching off various features and apps. Consequently, if you turn you phone into this mode, you will be assured of increasing its lifespan. Another wonderful tip to help lengthen the life of your android battery is to uninstall or disable the idle apps.

Even when not in use, the apps in your android tend to use power so as to remain active. That said, they are among the main things that lead to quick rates of power consumption. Once you switch off the vibration, you also increase the period your battery will be in use. Despite the fact that you may wish to have your phone in vibration mode though not all times it is better to switch it off to keep your battery working for a longer duration. For this reason you should ensure that it is off to lower the rate at which power is being consumed. Adjusting the home screen also helps your android battery to keep power for a longer time. It is important to have a smaller home screen because regardless of how long it will be in use power will also be consumed. Therefore, if you are sure you want the battery of your android to last longer, you should rationalize its home screen.

You can as well make your android battery power to last longer by adjusting its light and brightness levels. Mostly, when in high levels of light and brightness, android phones tend to consume lots of power. For this reason that if you want to improve the lifespan of your android battery, you would make sure that you adjust its brightness to suit certain ranges. Another valid way in which you can boost the number of days your android battery can last is by switching off the GPS feature from operation. In order for the GPS feature in phones to run, it requires adequate power supply. This is to say that if you switch it offer, you will be sure that your android Smartphone will last for more hours. The last but also important tip to help you keep your android battery for long is by turning off notifications. The notifications feature in your android works in that when it is on, you will be getting notifications for everything you have subscribed to. That said, the longer you keep it on, the higher the amount of power consumed. Want to find out more about Android Tips, then visit Barun Kumar’s site on how to choose the best earn money with facebook ads for your needs.

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