Why Xamarin App Development Has Overtaken The Other Hybrid Frameworks,

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Mobile apps are continuously gaining popularity these days. The rapid increase in multiple mobile devices, the mobile computing power, growing bandwidth and speed has empowered mobility. Mobile apps are defining people’s lives. It is evident that if developers can’t reach their targeted audience on any of their mobile devices, then they would be fail to provide them a satisfactory mobile experience. Thus get lagged behind their competitors. Today, there is no doubt that the native apps are superior over HTML5 or hybrid applications when it comes to performance. However, before choosing the platform for mobile app development, such as iOS, Android, or Windows, developers need to carefully analyze their audience and their own business requirements. It may be much more cost-effective and beneficial to create a cross-platform applications. Those apps run on multiple platform efficiently. For this, Xamarin Cross Platform Application Development should be considered. It is one of the strongest and most efficient cross platform mobile app development tool. Xamarin is a popular app development framework which comes with the write-once-run-anywhere rule. It is beneficial for mainly three platforms: iOS, Android, and Windows.

This platform empowers the developers to write the code in a single code base and in a single language for their app. In this way, a cross-platform app would reach out to billions of mobile devices irrespective of their platforms. Xamarin delivers the perfect look and feel to an app as the native UI of any platform with native app performance and power-packed functionality. It eliminates the necessity to manage individual development team for each platform. It is little difficult for the cross platform and hybrid app developers to create different codes for different mobile platforms. Because, they should have in-depth knowledge and experience of development of native applications. Xamarin enables the shared app logic. It underlies an UI layer for web service calls, database integration, input validation, and backend integration. App developers are now able to share the single code easily with the help of suitable application architecture and PCL (Portable Class Libraries) of Xamarin.

With the help of this technology, they can share almost 70% of their code across different platforms without any compatibility problems. And the remaining part of the code would require management from the developers’ side. Windows apps. It has all the characteristics which are needed as a native programming language. With Xamarin.Forms, developers can write the native UIs for one platform and convert these UIs into the platform-specific ones. They are also allowed to share it with the other mobile OS platforms. Hence, app developers can get the native UI support for Windows, Android, iOS, and Blackberry Phones. Thus, Xamarin let the developers to use OS specific and device-specific features easily. In spite of hybrid apps, developers can create native user experience. Additionally, Xamarin’s latest version introduced some new features such as Lollipop and Marshmallow Map, fragments, and Fingerprint Authentication,. These features are purely native, still used by Xamarin. Windows. It has the required characteristics, standards, and properties. It treats data types as objects.

Thus, it cuts the additional efforts of coding that define an object frequently. With Xamarin Component Store, developers are able to exchange and switch the available components. These can be done with a few lines of code, allows the sharing of data easily. Xamarin is considered as one of the best tools when it comes to save the money that spend on the app development. There would be no need of investing money in the development of those infrastructure which is native. Additionally, companies don’t have to spend extra money on the separate team of native app developers. They needed only one team of Xamarin developers that meet company’s requirements and goals. When compared to the other hybrid frameworks, Xamarin App Development utilizes the latest technologies. It has the unique UI tools and API for achieving the native-like performance and UX. Developers are switching from the existing and common cross-platform frameworks to the Xamarin technology.

Microsoft. Xamarin also has the unique cross-platform technologies. Companies which are aiming to the cross-platform apps, preferring Xamarin technology. Please enable JavaScript to view the comments powered by Disqus. MobileIf you are operating in the present digital landscape, mobile app development will turn out to be the need of the hour. A dynamic, scalable, and high-performance app can accelerate your bottom lines and help you carve a distinctive niche in the professional arena. MobileYou are an Entrepreneur and you have finally found your passion and you want to build an app like Uber. First of all, congratulations on making this decision but if you have not yet decided and are looking for someone who can show you what you are in for, don’t worry. We are here to guide you through all the challenges that you may face in building your dream company. MobileNowadays, top players in taxi booking mobile apps such as Uber and Ola have changed the way people travel and enhanced their experience too. These apps have made journey comfortable for everyone. People can book a taxi from anywhere and it will arrive within a few minutes. MobileBuilding an Android application is not a piece of Cake.