App-like: Experience like an app, because the app shell model separates the application functionality from application content. Fresh: Continuously updated and fresh because of the service worker update process. Safe: Secure owing to HTTPS that prevents against snooping and content tampering. Discoverable: Is clearly recognized as an "application" thanks to W3C manifest and service worker registration scope, allowing search engines to find it. Re-engageable: You can send push notifications to re-engaged users. Installable: Lets users add apps they find most relevant to their home screen without the need to access an app store. Linkable: Allows easy sharing of the app via URL. It doesn’t require installation or download. Why Progressive Web Apps, Research shows that an app loses 20% of its users for every step between the user’s first contact with the app and the user starting to use the app (on an average). Consider the typical steps in the user journey: discovering the app in the app store, downloading it, installing it and getting on board. The beauty of progressive web apps is that the user can start enjoying it immediately eliminating the rest of the stages.
A progressive web application uses the best of mobile app’s characteristics, leading to increased user retention and performance without the hassle of maintaining mobile apps. Use cases: What are some use cases to consider PWA, Native apps are usually recommended for apps that one expects users to return to frequently and a progressive web app delivers on this front. Twitter mobile, Washington Post PWA, Flipboard, FT PWA, 2048 puzzle are well-known examples of progressive web apps. To decide whether your next app should be a cross platform app, a native app or a progressive web app, you must first identify your users and their most important user actions. Since it is “progressive” it works in all browsers and provides new and enhanced experiences when the browser is updated with improved features and APIs. If you choose to opt for PWA, then you may have to decide what functionality to offer offline and facilitate the navigation (since there is no back button in standalone mode). PWA works out very well if your website already has an application like interface.
It is evident that PWA are here to stay and will be adopted widely in the future. They will not replace native or hybrid apps, but provide a creative solution in use cases where you want to bypass app fatigue and where the web-based experience pushes traffic to devices that support more advanced features. For example, AliExpress increased conversion rates for new users by 104%. United eXtra Electronics saw 4x increase in re-engagement and 100% more sales from users arriving via web push. Have you built or used Progressive Web Apps, Please share your experience in the comments section below. Please enable JavaScript to view the comments powered by Disqus. MobileIf you are operating in the present digital landscape, mobile app development will turn out to be the need of the hour. A dynamic, scalable, and high-performance app can accelerate your bottom lines and help you carve a distinctive niche in the professional arena.