You may have been managing your podcasts, music, and movies with through the use of iTunes, but there are other software that several Android users make use of. Tunes is not optional for you when you move to iPhone: iTunes is the way you control the content- including apps, calendars, and contacts- that becomes synced to your phone. From Apple, iTunes is free, therefore all you need to do is have it downloaded and installed. Depending on the way in which you have made use of your Android device, you may have gotten a lot of content, particularly music, downloaded directly to it. Something important that you need to know is this: before switching to your iPhone, you must sync your entire music to your computer. Once you have the music on your phone as well as your computer, the probability that you will be able to move it to your fresh iPhone device is very much greater.
But if your Android phone is the only place on which your music lives, there is a high probability that all of those downloads would be lost by the time you switch. Perhaps the most important area of switching from one smartphone device to another is to ensure that the entire data moves along with the switch. Therefore it is very important that you know what data can and cannot move. This article will shed more light on this important issue. This is one of the things that almost everybody is concerned about when making a switch. They want to know whether or not their music can be transferred. Luckily, in several cases, transferring your music should not be a problem. As discussed earlier, you must have synced the music on your phone to your computer. If the music is DRM-free, all you need to do is add it to iTunes, and it will become possible for you to sync it to your iPhone.
On the other hand, if the music possesses DRM, it may be required of you to install an app to have it authorized. The iPhone does not support some DRM at all, so if there are so many DRMed music that you have, it is necessary for you to check that before making any switch. A lot of people also think about their photos when changing phones. No one would want to lose their priceless memories all because they switched phones. For this again, it is important that you sync your phone content to your computer. If your Android phone photos are synced to a management program on your computer, moving them to your new iPhone should be possible. You can have the photos synced to iPhoto if you have a Mac (you may also have them copied to your computer, and then have them imported to iPhoto), and everything will be fine.
A number of programs for photo management are available on Windows. When searching for the one purchase, what you should look out for is the one that has the ability to sync with iTunes or iPhones. If you make use of sharing sites such as Instagram or Flickr, and an online photo storage, your ability to sync photos to your phone from your online account is dependent upon the online service features. When it comes to apps, the big difference between Android and iPhone devices is that apps of the latter don’t work on the Android (and vice versa). Therefore the apps you have on your Android will not move with you to the iPhone. But the good news is that there are many iPhone versions of Android apps which serve quite the same purpose. However, even though there may be an iPhone version of your required app, your app data may not move along with it.