How To Delete Internet Cookies On Droid Or Android Phones

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Updated on November 28, 2010 timeread more Internet cookies are used by web sites to track all the places a Droid user goes with their web browser. If you do not want web sites tracking your actions, you can delete the the internet cookies on your Android device periodically. Clearing the cookies can also be useful as some site use them to determine if you have already participated in an offer. This way you can trick the web site into giving you the same offer again. Here is the best way to clear the cookies on a Android device. Start up the Android web browser. Push the “Menu” on the phone to bring up the options for the web browser. Select the “More” options in the lower right hand corner. The “More” option has a lot of features. The one you want is the “Settings” function. In the next screen you will see all of the settings for the browser.

Scroll down until you find the one that says “Clear all cookie data”. You phone will now ask if you really want to clear all of the cookie data. Just select “OK” and all of the internet cookies will be deleted. Every once in a while you will want to delete the browser navigation history on your Android phone. Clearing the browser cache on an Android device can free up space if you are running low. The Android Chrome web browser saves parts of the the web pages that you visit on the Internet. Did you know that closing or navigating away from an application does not force the app to stop on an Android phone, For Android devices, when an app closes it stops running but it does not get rid of it from memory or stop its background services. Every once in a while, you will need to enable cookies on your Droid or Android phone. By default, Android phones will accept browser cookies from web sites. Android PhonesWhy is Symbian better than Android , SmartphonesWhat Is The Difference Between Android And BlackBerry, Sign in or sign up and post using a HubPages Network account. 0 of 8192 characters usedPost CommentNo HTML is allowed in comments, but URLs will be hyperlinked. Comments are not for promoting your articles or other sites.

You are somewhere between Fresno, Los Angeles, and Las Vegas - but you don't exactly know where you are. You find a nice old man and ask him where you are. He doesn't know either, but tells you that you are 300 miles from Los Angeles. You pull out your map and draw a circle on your map that has a radius of 300 miles. This is helpful, but you still don't know exactly where you are. So you find an old woman and ask her if she knows where you are. She, unfortunately, does not - but she does know that you are 250 miles from Fresno. You now draw a circle around Fresno that has a radius of 250 miles. This is looking good because on your map the circle around Fresno and the circle around Los Angeles intersect at two different points. You still don't know where you are, but you have a really good idea. Now you find a third person and ask them if they know where you are. They do not, but can tell you that you are 100 miles from Las Vegas. You again draw a circle, this time around Vegas and it is 100 miles in diameter. Now you have a single point on your map where all three circles intersect. This is where you are. This is exactly the way that trilateration works in GPS enable cell phones. It takes the know distance from three or more objects (satellites or cell phone towers) and finds out exactly where the phone is at any given moment.

A photo of an over-the-water bungalow in a tropical locale will do. Unsplurge also has a unique, community-based section called Town, where you can see what others’ savings goals are. You can search the Town section for most popular posts, trending posts, or posts from people you follow. It’s undoubtedly helpful to see what goals others are working toward, and really makes you work toward your own saving goals. 1 a week for a year - which also can help jump-start the savings process. Unsplurge is available in iOS. Toshl Finance creates a customized spending plan or budget. Just pick your preferred time frame (options are weekly, monthly, biweekly, monthly, or annually), then choose your start date. Then, you manually input every expense and earned income. It’s that easy, and ideal for those who may shy away from using technology when managing a budget. The app, though not the most aesthetically pleasing, presents your finances in an uncomplicated, straightforward way, complete with categorization tags on each expense.

What more about you really ask for when it comes to a spending app, Toshl Finance is available on iOS, Android, Symbian, and Windows. Daily Budget is another clean, simple and minimal app that makes managing your money as simple as possible. The tool gives you a daily budget for you based on your expenses and income, as well as what percentage of your income you want to delegate to savings. It then breaks down that number into a daily and monthly percentage, which shows you exactly what you can spend. It also gives you a daily budget goal, which makes achieving your goals much easier. Meant for both savings and taking it a step further into investing, Acorns is another great money management app. Acorns uses a “round-ups” system, which essentially rounds up either your debit or credit card transactions to the next dollar and invests the difference. It chooses how it invests your money based on your net worth and annual salary and your risk tolerance.