How Does The T-Mobile G2 Compare To The IPhone 4,

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While not everybody believes that the iPhone is the best smartphone on the market, it’s popularity makes it a great comparison tool in order to gauge the capabilities of any phone to hit the market. That said, how does the T-Mobile G2 compare to the iPhone 4, Here are some of the differences to consider. First and foremost, the operating system is obviously different from the system run on Apple’s iPhone. Like most high end smartphones, it runs on an Android powered system: in this case, Android 2.2 Froyo. This is the latest edition of Google’s mobile phone operating system. Some differences between the Android OS and the iPhone OS can be considered advantages. Perhaps most notably, the system offers more customization and widgets can be added. Some users prefer the iPhone system because it is simpler and more streamlined, however. The new iPhone operating system has also been updated to allow multitasking, although it is still limited in comparison to the multitasking ability of the Android system.

Other benefits of the Android system are voice to text translations, GPS directions, and the ability to install any application that is built for the operating system. In contrast, the iPhone system only allows you to use apps that have been approved by Apple. The decision between these two operating systems is a personal preference. As far as computing power goes, the Apple iPhone wins. The A4 processor provides it with the ability to process at about a gigahertz, and it offers up memory for 512 MB of RAM. In comparison, the T-Mobile G2 will come equipped with an 800 megahertz Qualcomm Scorpion processor. While the processor speed is a little slower, the memory will be the same. The difference between the two processors most likely won’t be noticeable during most activities, but the iPhone does have the edge in this area. While the computing speed of the iPhone may be faster, the internet connection on the T-Mobile G2 will beat it out. It will either meet or beat 4G speeds, connecting at between 3 and 6 mbps on average. The iPhone 4 will be limited in comparison by AT&T’s 3G connection.

As far as the keyboard goes, there is a world of difference between the two phones. One of the best T-Mobile G2 accessories is the slide out keyboard that comes standard with the phone. While some users like the simplicity and aesthetic appearance of the iPhone’s virtual touchscreen keyboard, many users prefer the feel of a physical keyboard. For these users, the T-Mobile G2 delivers. The screen on the G2 is slightly larger than the iPhone 4, which provides better viewing for movies, pictures, and more. On the other hand, the resolution on the iPhone is much higher at 960 x 640 pixels, where the G2 only provides 480 x 800 pixels, making the image on the iPhone much clearer. The cameras on both devices are very comparable to one another, both providing five megapixel picture taking capability, and video recordings with qualities as high as 720p HD with a frame rate of 30 frames per second. Both also have an LED flash. The software on the iPhone does come with a program allowing you to edit movies. The iPhone also provides a front facing camera, allowing for face to face chat, while the G2 does not. The T-Mobile G2 allows more customization in terms of Google G2 accessories and is more open ended when it comes to T-Mobile G2 chargers. See a large collection of T-Mobile G2 Accessories. Stop by Talkie Tech where you can find out all about T-Mobile G2 Accessories and how it can help power your cell phone.

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