Galaxy Vs. IPhone Vs. Pixel: Mobile Phone Driver Feud!

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Galaxy vs. iPhone vs. Pixel: Mobile Phone Driver Feud! Updated on September 17, 2017 Dreammore moreContact Author Dreammore Tech - Episode 2 - Galaxy S series vs. Are you Yet to Become a Driver of One of these Mobile Phones, The Samsung brand has won over the tech world with their Galaxy S series, and have most currently released their Samsung Galaxy S8, a smart phone that has an infinity edge screen, and uses the most recent Android technology. The iPhone need have no introduction, as the tech world moves in whatever direction that the Apple iPhone series moves in. The most current release for the iPhone series is the iPhone 7, but they have more recently announced the next 2 phone releases in their iconic iPhone series; the iPhone 8 and iPhone X (10th year anniversary edition). Every time someone mentions a mobile phone brand it is Samsung and iPhone that make it to the top of everyones wish lists. The Google Pixel phone will be somewhere beneath these two mobile phone giants.

The iPhone brand has shown the most in terms of innovation, and as being a brand that stands alone in a unique category that cannot even be touched by the likes of Samsung and Google. The mobile phone industry has been booming ever since the innovation of Apple's iPhone that entered onto the mobile phone market in 2007, after being announced by the late Steve Jobs. The iPhone had superpowers that none of the other mobile phone companies could even imagine having, as they all stumbled out of the market shares that were being fed to Apple's stock market. Although, not everyone immediately rushed out that year to buy the iPhone as it had only just emerged, but it was the leading seller that year. The Google Pixel has been a shake-up for the company's mobile phone brand, as they were previously known as Nexus, but this was clearly a re-branding exercise that was worth the money that it costed to transition. The Pixel has been well received by its consumers, as they have been said to be the best of Android.

But, we want to get down to the business of who is marketing, innovating, revolutionising, and providing the best smart phones to the world. The iPhone 8 will undoubtedly be the most appealing of all of the iPhones that we have seen in the series, so far. But, there is one downside, and that is of the iPhone X stealing away the better technology and advancements from Apple's technology. The X, not to get confused, is set for release in winter of 2017 alongside the iPhone 8, offering a diverse set of choices for their customers. As, they have listed the iPhone SE, iPhone 6/6S, iPhone 7/7S, and the 2017 launches that will all be available in mobile phone stores around the globe. Now, we are going to list Apple iPhone's strengths and weaknesses. Innovation - Apple's iOS software is far superior and unique to that of Androids (used by Samsung, Pixel, LG, HTC, etc.). OS is also regularly updated to fix bugs, improve service, make the product more efficient, work better with iCloud, and keep the service running on their most up to date software.

The hardware - Apple's hardware is far more efficient and reliable than that of their competitors. Apple has the hardware that no other brand has ever come close to beating. They invented the touch screen, the iOS club enabling free texting between Apple iPhone owners (killing Blackberry), better apps, and do everything that Android is unable to do as well. The social acceptance - Apple have long been in the minds of the consumer, due to all of the innovations and mind simplicities when using the Apple iPhone products. Everyones friend has the latest iPhone, or at least one friend out of the few will have one. A year ahead - Apple's iOS technology is a year ahead of their competitors, the closest being Samsung (S series), but even they dwindle in a year behinds technology. Expensive - customers on a budget when buying their smartphone may find the minimum price for the product to be too high for their disposable income means to purchase.

This is in large the greatest of problems behind the Apple brand, as all of their products retain their premium prices because of other technological companies not having the comparable means to compete. Samsung's Galaxy S boasts the use of the Android, a pairing that has in many ways helped other smart phone brands to stay current, as all Galaxy S consumers will know and think well of the Android service. Otherwise, the fan following for the Galaxy S would have dropped off the map by now. Clearly, the Android service is not all too bad, when Apple fanboys start lurking around seeking out to troll the Android smartphones. The Galaxy S has proven itself to the market to be an interesting phone to approach the Android software, as the S uses Samsung's greatest hardware that they have available in their latest, most current S series smartphone. From the unique colours, to the unique design of the Galaxy S, there is still much to desire from the phone series when compared to the prestigious brand of Apple's iPhone series.