Developing Augmented Reality For Mobile Use

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Imagine a world where humans lived side by side with their favorite video game heroes, or simpler still, a situation where you can prank call your friend’s number without having to bring your phone out of your backpack. It is the world of augmented reality. It’s a worldview that has been supplemented or augmented directly or indirectly by the generation of sensory inputs of images, sound, smell and even touch. It all has to do with modification of our perception of reality. In mobile app development, augmented reality app development is about recreating virtual features in the real world. It means, practically blurring the lines between real and virtual entities. The possibilities are endless, for augmented reality app development. With the advent of the Pokemon Go, iPhone app developers and Android app developers successfully brought augmented reality into the mainstream mobile app development world. Developing mobile apps for augmented reality has to do with incorporating graphics, sound and haptic feedback into the reality by the use of specialized visuals or screens.

Though it appears to have originally been developed to improve gaming experiences on both mobile and nonmobile devices, augmented reality has now been branched and applied in various aspects of human life. It is used in different aspects of society from warfare to tourism and simply getting to the nearest subway station. App developers are diversifying this amazing technology into never before expected applications. A Native American developer is on the way to developing a new application which brings together the features of Google Maps, Wikipedia and Pokemon Go to enable a culturally educative app of Native American history. Such stories are soon to become a mainstay in the mobile app world, especially with the improvement already being put in place to bring a better experience to mobile augmented reality. Phone’s chip producing company is already developing technological enhancements to improve gaming experiences. The company is improving gaming density by about 70-90%, for games using augmented and virtual reality chips.

So, what is, is holding you back, Build an augmented reality app today. These make use of trackers to simulate Life-like 3D models into the user’s direct real- time environment. Augmented Reality browsers improve your visual experience by filling your camera display with relevant information, such as seeing the name, direction, and branches off a particular road simply by pointing a smartphone at it. These are the third major use of augmented reality. These apps take your immediate environment in context to generate inclusive gaming scenarios that have incorporated elements of your reality to present a higher level gaming experience. Virtually all high-end mobile devices are possible augmented reality devices. A mobile phone now can generate holograms and maneuver 3D models to create a supplemented versions of reality for the viewer. Even though augmented reality is available for computers and TV monitors, the necessity of having a webcam and attaching a tracker to your screen makes the whole scenario less appealing than when mobile applications are used.

There is no better time for mobile app developers to take the initiative and branch into Augmented Reality app development. A variety of tools and platforms already exist to help you in launching the next big game or application to rock the mobile app world. A simple contract with a mobile app development company or freelance mobile app developer will make the entire process quick and efficient. Please enable JavaScript to view the comments powered by Disqus. MobileIf you are operating in the present digital landscape, mobile app development will turn out to be the need of the hour. A dynamic, scalable, and high-performance app can accelerate your bottom lines and help you carve a distinctive niche in the professional arena. MobileYou are an Entrepreneur and you have finally found your passion and you want to build an app like Uber. First of all, congratulations on making this decision but if you have not yet decided and are looking for someone who can show you what you are in for, don’t worry.

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