5 Best Android Apps To Transfer Files From Android To PC And Other Ways Too!

best android apps
One of the more common things people need to do is transfer files from their mobile device or tablet to their desktop. Sometimes it’s a photo, sometimes it’s a song, and many other times it’s some sort of document, presentation, or other file that needs transferred. There are actually quite a few ways to transfer files from Android to PC (and back again) and we’ll take a look at them here. 10 best cloud storage services and apps for Android of 2018! 15 best Android apps of 2018! If apps aren’t your deal, there are still some other ways to transfer files from your PC to Android and vice versa. Use Bluetooth - If your laptop has a Bluetooth module or if you have a Bluetooth dongle for your desktop or laptop, you can pair your device with your computer using Bluetooth and send files that way. The transfer rates are very slow. You’ll want to only use this solution for small files.

You probably don’t want to use this for stuff like large videos or lots of files at once. USB On-The-Go - USB OTG cables allow you to connect your device to USB devices such as mice, keyboards, and external hard drives. That also includes flash drives. You can use the cable to transfer documents to your flash drive or external hard drive or off of those things on to your Android device. They’re also relatively cheap on sites like Amazon and eBay. Share to email - This only works with small files like photos or documents, but you can send most types of files over email. Most emails have a limit of around 25MB for attachments. It’ll work for the occasional photo. Use your data/charging cable - This one is fairly obvious. Just plug your phone into your computer using the USB cable that comes with your charger. It should work for most stuff. Thank you for reading! Here are some final app lists to check out! 5 best Android apps for screen recording and other ways too! If we missed any of the best methods or apps to transfer files from Android to PC, tell us about them in the comments! You can also click here to check out our latest Android app and game lists!

You will get more app benefits if you subscribe for the paid plan. However, I would still recommend Apps Geyser if you are looking to build simple apps and don’t want to spend a dime. Andromo lets you have total control over app creation and even add your website or blog content to it. You can tweak the overall look over you app, have your own unique dashboard and drop-downs. Add photo galleries and YouTube videos to your app. You can choose add-ons like interactive maps, HTML5/JavaScript codes, soundboards, music tracks and Twitter feeds. The tool offers multilingual support, so now an app in Hindi, French, German, Arabic or Chinese is just a few clicks away. Andromo also offers several monetization options. You can sell your app via Amazon or Google Play, include ads, and make apps as per client needs. 8 every month if you want to make money from your application.

Buzz Touch not only lets you build the app of your dreams, but also helps you learn while creating applications. The website offers a library of helpful topics that will help you build apps from scratch. You will be building good quality applications without the need of learning any programming language. The tool has a unique approach in helping you build your first app. It will first teach the bare basics, provide a simple control panel to create an application by adding menus/screens and choosing/tweaking plug-ins. It will then let you download the source code of your newly-built app, open and compile using Xcode and Eclipse for Android. Once compiled, you can then create an apk file, launch it using the site’s app emulator or launch it directly to your device. Buzz Touch is free to use, but you will need to spend some bucks for certain gadgets (plug-ins). Each plug-in can be added as a separate menu and screen.